Category: School News

This is hard. This wave of the Delta Variant pulled the rug out from under our well planned life. All of us. So we are going to postpone the start of classes until October in hopes that the current wave will have slipped back to Stage 3 or or better, 2. 

So let’s start again. 

This October, Merlin Works Institute for Improvisation will have a range of In-Person classes for you to attend. We’ll have Improv, Musical Improv, Stand Up , Storytelling, and some Master Classes with our good friend, Asaf Ronen. Plus we have a venue for shows! Stuff is happening In-Person in October at Merlin-Works. 

Please stay safe. Get vaccinated if you can. Wear a mask to stop the spread and then come join us in October. 

Also, we would like all our friends to please place their tongues between their lips and gently blow. Because that best expresses how we at Merlin Works feel today. (See Shana’s Instagram Post for more on this.)

Philadelphia Improv Festival

I went to Philadelphia with my improv troupe, Get Up, with Shannon and Sara, and my husband, Jon. Here we are at a restaurant in the Cincinnati Airport and we are already so excited. Wednesday…


Improv Family Photos

Here is my Level 2 Improv Class Goofing around with some “Family Photos” The Shy Family The Cheerleader FamilyThe Superhero Family I can’t remember what this family was, but I like the photo.

Backpack Picnic

This Sunday was a crazy day. AIC meeting, GGG rehearsal, Advanced Scene Study Graduation Show, and then an overnight shoot for Backpack Picnic. I was cast as a featured role in a scene that takes…


Plays Well With Shakespeare

I got to play with Les McGehee, Andy Crouch, Jodi Egerton and Robert Faires in an improvised Shakespeare-themed show in Richard Garriot’s Curtain Theatre, which is a scale replica of The Glob Theatre set on…


The World Welcomes Isaac Xin Merlin

My brother Louis and his wife Ki-Wing had their first baby, Isaac Xin Merlin, at 4:40PM Tuesday, October 23rd 2007. Isaac was born 7 pounds, 1.6 ounces and 19 inches long. I am a proud…

GGG in Tulsa, OK

We made friends with the great ladies of Super Ovum when they came to Austin last spring for LAFF: Ladies Are Funny Festival. They invited us up to Tulsa to perform with them at the…