Austin No Shame! Theatre

Creative Action 1023 Springdale Rd, Bldg 3, Austin, TX, United States

An Open Mic without the mic that allows performers to use the whole stage or just a part of it to perform a maximum of 5 minutes of anything. No Shames of old have witnessed…


Storytelling 101 Student Showcase

Creative Action 1023 Springdale Rd, Bldg 3, Austin, TX, United States

Instructor Ladi Loera has guided his students through shaping these stories over an 8-week workshop series. Watch, laugh, listen, feel along with these storytellers as they share moments from their own lives. This performance is…


Improv 301 Comedy Graduation Showcase feat. The Known Wizards!

Creative Action 1023 Springdale Rd, Bldg 3, Austin, TX, United States

Improv all-stars of Austin, The Known Wizards, headline this improv comedy showcase with spontaneous scenes, hilarious games, surprisingly good songs, and fantastic stories all made up on the spot based on audience input. Featuring ...…


Austin No Shame! Theatre

Creative Action 1023 Springdale Rd, Bldg 3, Austin, TX, United States

10 pm: An Open Mic without the mic that allows performers to use the whole stage or just a part of it to perform a maximum of 5 minutes of anything. No Shames of old…


Improv 301 Student Graduation Showcase feat. The Known Wizards!

Creative Action 1023 Springdale Rd, Bldg 3, Austin, TX, United States

8-9:30pm: Improv all-stars of Austin, The Known Wizards, headline this improv comedy showcase with spontaneous scenes, hilarious games, surprisingly good songs, and fantastic stories all made up on the spot based on audience input. Featuring ...…


Student Stand-Up Comedy Showcase

Creative Action 1023 Springdale Rd, Bldg 3, Austin, TX, United States

  10 pm: Stand-Up Comedy students perform 5-minute sets created and honed in class taught by Valerie Nies. Come see these up-and-coming stand-up comedians try out brand new material! So come on down. It's highly…
