Tag Archives: student blogger


by Ann Lo Ever since we discussed status in improv class I’ve been mulling it over. I want to learn how to play the part of a high-status person. That doesn’t come naturally to me…

The Odyssey of Long-Form Improv

I‘ve been seriously dabbling in fiction for twenty-five years. Took three 16-week graduate-level seminars from published authors; wrote at least twenty short stories; submitted three or four for publication. And did I ever publish a…


Suffer Your Fool Gladly

When I told a friend I’m taking improv classes her response sounded like, “Wow, you are so brave. I could never do that.” While I might be brave, that’s not the trait that motivated me…

Yoga Can Improve Your Improv

A few weeks ago my musical improv teacher had us warm-up near the piano. Before we started our voice exercises, she stressed the importance of standing tall, having good posture and focusing on the breath…


Improv Changed My Life

“Improv changed my life!” You might be nodding your head in agreement with this statement if you’ve been taking classes or performing for a while. Perhaps one of your friends does improv and is constantly…



Ending something can always be bittersweet. I am happy that improv class is ending this week because I will have my Sunday afternoon nap time back, but I am also sad because, obviously, improv class…
